Page 15 - UNESCO_Zatec_MP_2021
P. 15


         The nominated property of Žatec and the Landscape of Saaz Hops represents a heritage whose knowledge, protection
         and preservation will enrich a significant part of the world community. The landscape with the hop plant’s continuous
         cultivation, which is the basis of beer brewing in many regions of the world, and with specific facilities related to the
         processing of hops, is unique.

         The Management Plan has therefore been developed as a comprehensive material for both the thematically, closely
         related, components of the serial property. Component part 01 consists of the Saaz Hop Landscape, and component
         part 02, the historical centre of the town of Žatec. As an inseparable part of the nomination documentation for the
         inscription of the property on the World Heritage List, this document summarises the basic attributes of the property,
         which define its Outstanding Universal Value. The Management Plan describes the factors that could jeopardise
         this value in the future. It proposes specific measures necessary to eliminate risks and ensure the preservation and
         sustainable development of the property in the future.

         The Management Plan first presents the property’s Outstanding Universal Value, for the preservation and development
         of  which  it  is  primarily  intended.  It  describes  the  state  of  the  nominated  property  in  2020  when  the  nomination
         documentation is to be completed. It consists of two parts: analytical and proposal. The analytical part will become
         a reference text for use in any future monitoring of the property’s state and the success of the implementation of the
         proposed measures. The analytical part is fully compatible with the main part of the nomination documentation,
         so factual information such as the property’s description and history are not repeated in full detail here. However, the
         important sections that describe the property’s current physical condition and the risk factors are key information for
         the proposed measures, so the text has been given in the same detail as in the main section of the Nomination Dossier.
         There is a table with the main outlined recommendations behind each analysis, which are elaborated on in more detail
         in the proposal section.

         A summary of the strengths and weaknesses outlined in the preparation of the nomination, a list of opportunities
         and deficits and potential threats, summarises the SWOT analysis, which is a necessary starting point for the proposal
         section. The proposal section deals with the partial steps leading to the sustainable development of preserved values   15
         in both components and their presentation to the general public. The proposal section is a set of goals, measures, and
         planned specific intentions based on the high potential of the building, architectural as well as intangible heritage
         of Žatec and the surrounding hop growing landscape. These can help raise public awareness of the region’s rich history
         and provide a good framework for presenting these values internationally.

         The nominated property can make good use of the basic legal and organisational framework that already exists. The
         division of the topics of individual measures into thematic groups will help to monitor and manage the commitments

         This Management Plan follows up on selected theses and objectives from the previous conceptual material prepared for
         the nomination "Žatec - the town of Hops", which remains generally valid and has been supplemented by topics related
         to the protection of the hop growing landscape. In the preparatory phase, the Management Plan’s main areas were
         discussed by a broad working group. From the beginning, the basic principles of this work were consulted over with the
         authorities of heritage care. The defined goals are realistic in terms of the protected values and further management
         of preserved cultural heritage.

         The town of Žatec, which will provide the position of, and the background for the Site Manager in the case of the
         property’s inscription on the World Heritage List, is fully aware of the necessary cooperation of all the key entities
         at national, regional, and local levels.

         Therefore, the Management Plan was created in cooperation with representatives of the general public, and entities that
         signed the Memorandum of Cooperation to prepare the nomination of the property in 2020. This has been attached,
         in the Czech version, with an English summary. The Management Plan was repeatedly consulted over by the Steering
         Group during its elaboration. It was subsequently approved by the Žatec Town Council, the supreme body of town
         of Žatec, and by the Zálužice Municipal Council.
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