Page 12 - UNESCO_Zatec_2021_A4
P. 12
Executive Summary
STATE PARTY Boundaries of the component part 01
Czech Republic Description of the boundary was prepared using the basic
STATE, PROVINCE OR REGION topography map 1 : 10,000 and the tourist map (without
Ústecký Region indicating the parcel numbers that are available in maps in
the Chapter 1.e).
Žatec and the Landscape of Saaz Hops As the starting point for description of the rural component
GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES TO THE NEAREST part 01 boundary, the Trnovany railway station in the
SECOND cadastral area of Bezděkov u Žatce was chosen. It goes in
a north-easterly direction, which connects to the boundary
Component part 01 of cadastral area of Trnovany u Žatce, along the boundary
Saaz Hop Landscape of the cadastre, it then continues to the river Ohře. Here
(rural component) the boundary of the component part 01 crosses the river,
Executive Summary Component part 02 the river Ohře, approximately for 250 m before the road
thus entering the cadastral area of Zálužice nad Ohří, in an
easterly direction. It then runs freely along the left bank of
bridge over the Ohře. The boundary then diverts from the
river and leads in a north-easterly direction around the
(urban component)
garden at No. 13, crosses the road III/22535 and continues
across the field towards Zálužice. At the earthen road in
direction. It continues until another field road, along which
it continues in a northern direction to the boundary of
NOMINATED PROPERTY: front of Zálužice, it turns in a north-eastern and northern
The cultural landscape proposed for inscription on the the cadastral area of Rybňany. It goes briefly along this
12 World Heritage List is a serial nomination consisting boundary and continues along a field road to the meander
of two complementary component parts documenting of the river Ohře. It freely copies the left bank of the river to
the impact of hops on the environment in historical, the east, crossing the river, where it enter the cadastral area
technological, and scientific contexts. Both components of Hradiště nad Ohří. Near the village of Hradiště, it bends
are located in geographical proximity and belong to the to the south and goes along a drain and a stream, crossing
administrative territory of the town of Žatec. The historical the tip of the cadastral area of Strkovice and then continues
connection between the component parts is provided by the along the boundary of the cadastral area of Stekník.
river Ohře, transport roads and railways routes.
In the vicinity of the junction of the boundaries of the
The nominated property is of an appropriate size to illustrate cadastral areas, Stekník, Strkovice, and Drahomyšl,
the fundamental tangible and intangible aspects of hop the boundary of the component part 01 turns west. It
culture depicting the proposed Outstanding Universal Value follows drains in a westerly direction to the boundary of
of the property. Its boundaries have been drawn so that the cadastral area Stekník, after which it follows a field
it encompasses all the elements that clearly illustrate the road to the south for a short distance where it reaches
tradition of cultivation, processing, and trading in hops. the road II/225. It then runs for a while along this road
towards Trnovany and continues in a westerly direction. At
Saaz Hop Landscape (component part 01) contains Liběšická ravine, it turns to the south and bypasses it at its
the most valuable and fertile hop fields in the region, on southern most tip, where the boundary of the component
which hops have been grown for centuries and have been part 01 then bends again to the west, crosses the Liběšický
subjected to long-term breeding research, as well as historic stream, and enters the cadastral area of Dobříčany.
settlements and buildings associated with the processing of
harvested hops. This rural landscape component part 01 is It continues in a westerly direction on the way to the village
complemented by the territory of the historical core of the of Dobříčany, while bypassing the village in the north.
town of Žatec and its historical part "Pražské předměstí" – It briefly continues along the line plot to the north and
the Prague Suburb, which are significant by the amounts of then again to the west to the boundary of cadastral area
technical monuments related to hop processing and storing, of Trnovany u Žatce, which continues to the railway lines.
this component is called Žatec (component part 02). Here the boundary of the component part 01 turns to the
north and along the railway lines which lead to Trnovany.
The boundary description is prepared for each component It crosses the road II/225, along the boundary of cadastral
part separately below: area of Trnovany u Žatce, bypasses the village of Trnovany