Page 123 - UNESCO_Zatec_2021_A4
P. 123

"Bratři Holý" (Gebrüder Holly, The Holý Brothers), which   In Žatec, the Buštěhrad track and the other important
          was owned by Amalie Holá after their death. From 1896,   track Plzeň – Most crossed, the latter started operating
          František Kellner (1876–1933) worked in the company   two years later. In connection with it, a railway station
          of "Bratři Holý" in various positions, working his way up   building in Trnovany was built in 1878. Based on the
          to be a chief clerk. He became an important Saaz hop   requirement for a  railway connection from sugar and
          merchant and founder of a business dynasty.       hop producers in the Žatec and Louny regions and the
                                                            development of brown coal mining in Podkrušnohoří
          In 1860, "Žatecký chmelný trh", the Žatec hop market,   (a  large area near the ridge of the Ore Mountains,
          was established, which was active in the town up to 1879.   northwest of Žatec), the Buštěhrad Railway track (in
          It took place every Thursday, from October to December,   1867  a  functional  system  between  Prague  and  Lány)
          whilst during October, which is in the main hop processing   was extended to the whole area. The railway meant
          season after the harvest, it took place virtually every day.  a  break in the existing method of the trade in hops,
                                                            as this helped to reduce costs of transportation to an
          In 1861, the Hop Growing Association bought the originally   eighth  of  what  they  previously  were.  The  new  means
          leased old malt house in Jakubská Street (today Tyršova   of transport also significantly sped up exportation and
          Street in the component part 02) and renovated it for use   provided protection against climatic influences on the
          as a marketplace. By dividing the hops into the municipal,   hops being transported.
          district, and regional, the Public Hop Certification Centre
          was established, which sorted and assessed hops not   During this time the first specialised shipping companies
          according to quality, but according to the relation of   were also established. The largest shipping company was
          the grower to the place where they owned land. Other   the Eduard Fanta company which had special railway
          hops, which also passed through the Žatec Public Hop   wagons for the transportation of hops.
          Certification Centre, only received a certification of origin
          but did not obtain the Žatec market stamp.        The widening of market territories and higher demands
                                                            for the quality of hops also brought changes in the
          An unjustifiable price preference for the "municipal," but   packaging methods. The original linen cloth was replaced
          in part also for the "district" hops, soon led to conflicts   by jute in the production of the bales (sacks).
          between  the  growers.  Unhealthy  relations  formed
          between individual groups of growers, and this, in its final   In the 1880s, metallic cylinders were used for a  better
          consequence, harmed Žatec hop growing as a  whole.   and longer storage life. These were cylindrical containers   123
          This wrong decision by the Hop Growing Association of   made from galvanised metal with removable covers. Ship
          Žatec was possibly advantageous in the long term only   transport required storage of packed hops into tin-lined
          to  a  small  circle  of  growers  and  the  town  but  laid  the   boxes. The main journey overseas led through Hamburg,
          foundations for lengthy disputes that were not to be dealt   and to a lesser degree, through Terst.
          with for more than half a century, limiting the possibilities
          of Žatec and thereby, Bohemian hop growing in general.

          By the end of the 19  century, the hop trade in Bohemia
          was in the hands of the German capital. A  limited
          partnership company, which  was established  in 1861
          as the first Bohemian hop growing trade association,
          became the foundation of the "První česká akciová
          společnost v  Rakovníku a  v  Žatci," the First Bohemian
          Joint-stock Company in Rakovník and in Žatec, in 1898.

          Along with the change in the market, other significant
          changes were closely related to the trade.

          Railways as an impulse for changes in the hop trade
          The railway connection with the city of Pilsen was
          particularly important, as already in 1842, a  successful
          boom in the brewing of Pilsner type beer began, using
          Saaz hops.

          In the 1870s, the operation of the Prague – Chomutov
          railway started, and the railway section on the track Plzeň
          – Duchcov was opened. In 1871, operation of the railway
          commenced on the section Lány – Chomutov, where
          Žatec is located,  thus  gaining a  connection  to  Prague.   Hop warehouse and packaging room by Kaspar Danzer, built next
                                                                      to the Prague – Chomutov railway line, photo by J.Wara, Žatec, 1925
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