Page 78 - UNESCO_Zatec_2021_A4
P. 78

             In connection with the cultivation and processing of
             hops, a specific road network structure has developed in
             the area of the nominated property, which complements
             the  natural  interconnection  of  both  its  component
             parts. In addition to the primary road network, which   The motion of hops through the landscape
             enables common communication relations between
             individual settlements, there is also a dense network of   Based on the physical structure of the road network,
             service roads in the landscape, which serves to ensure   a significant event also takes place between the two
             the operation of the hop field. This network of small   component parts. It consists of the movement of
             field  roads  is a  significant  secondary manifestation  of   hops through the landscape in the process of their
             hop management in the landscape. From the long-term    cultivation, processing, and subsequent export.
             point of view, the ground plan structure of the basic
             road network is relatively stable, rather, the hierarchy   Before the harvested hops are prepared into a form
             of significance of the individual routes is changing. The   intended for sale and use, they must take a relatively
             majority of the primary road network is situated in an   complex and varying path in the landscape. Its route
             elevated and more stable position of river terraces and, if   has changed throughout history and is derived from
             necessary, descends into the river floodplain in places of
             terrain notches and ravines.                           the technology of the hop processing procedure and
                                                                    the spatial localisation of its individual phases. The
             The main transport connection of both component parts   nominated property also illustrates this specificity:
      2. Description  to the town of Louny. The relationship between the   mainly in component part 01, in areas where hops
                                                                    while in the past, the drying phase took place
             is still provided by the historic road leading from Žatec
             two nominated component parts is also strengthened
                                                                    were grown and then dried and then were waiting
             by one of the railway lines, which was introduced into
                                                                    for purchase or mass transfer by a grower to Žatec,
             the territory between 1871–1873. The construction of
             the railway simplified the export of hops and made the
                                                                    storage, sulphuring, packaging, certificating and
             whole area more accessible. The railway was also used   phases of  more capacity and  more extended
                                                                    sealing before further sale or export abroad is tied
             by seasonal, temporary workers who came every year     to the town of Žatec.
    78       to work in the hop fields. Part of this railway is part of
             the nominated property, and its line also forms the
             western delimitation of component part 01. The village   The need to dry the hops directly at the place
             of Trnovany  became a  vital transport  hub situated  by   of cultivation is due to the short lifespan of the
             the railway, where, in the past, there was not only a train   harvested hop cones and the need to reduce their
             stop, but also a post office, a telephone station, and, from   volume for  subsequent transport. Thus, all hops
             1902, a telegraph. In the past there were numerous inns   from component part 01 must complete their first
             in the village and the vicinity.                       journey through the Žatec landscape before their
                                                                    export. The transfer of hops from the countryside
             The network of service roads is still functional to the   to Žatec is a one-off process that takes place every
             extent corresponding to current needs of management.
             At the same time, it is preserved to the greatest extent   year during the harvest season.
             in the territory of component part 01. Other historical
             service roads are conserved between the two component   In the past, the drying of hops took place mainly in
             parts. The specific network of access roads is directly   villages, where hops were imported from hop fields
             related to the method of management of individual hop   via a network of service roads. Only large hop drying
             fields, the operational relations between the agricultural   kilns belonging to  the wealthiest owners  were
             base and the agricultural land, the structure of ownership   located outside the village, closer to the hop fields.
             relations,  and  local  natural  conditions.  The  complex   After drying, the hops were loaded onto a cart and
             system of this network and the way it is used is more   transported to Žatec.
             variable compared to a basic road network and reflects
             both the development of cultivation techniques and the   The transport of hops from the villages to Žatec
             processes taking place in the landscape as part of the
             harvest. This network is used all year round in connection   continued along  with the  primary road  network
             with seasonal work, and more intensively at the time of   between the individual municipalities. The safe
             harvesting and drying hops. Its fundamental goal is to   overcoming of the terrain difference between the
             ensure the movement of hops between the hop field,     level of the river floodplain and the elevated position
             the owner’s registered office, the place of processing, the   of the town of Žatec also played an essential role.
             location of certification, and the subsequent distribution   From the component part 01, the transport of hops
             to customers.                                          took place via Trnovany along the main road; as
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