Page 23 - UNESCO_Zatec_MP_2021
P. 23

Attributes of Outstanding Universal Value

           ATTRIBUTE                                    OBSERVED CHARACTERISTICS FOR MONITORING AND

                                                          -   range of productive hop fields
                                                          -   preserved area of agricultural
                                                          -   watercourses, including Woody Riparian Vegetation,
           Cultural landscape  landscape aspect of hop heritage
                                                             and flood control banks
                                                          -   permanent planting
                                                          -   historical communication networks

                                                          -   preservation of the structure of the villages in component
                                                              part 01 and urban structure of component part 02;
                           ground plan of settlements,
                           delimitation of districts      -   preservation of the most important historical buildings and
                           or functional districts, land      landmarks
           Urbanism        structure, blocks, the composition
                           of private and public buildings and
                           spaces, built-up, free and green   -   preserved number of hop growing buildings
                                                          -   preservation and rehabilitation of the communication
                                                              network, including the restoration of historic road surfaces

                                                           -   chimneys of hop growing buildings, their number and
                                                              technical condition                                  23
                           architectural dispositions,
                           architectural morphology, artistic   -   architectural and material design of buildings, including
           Architectural   and handicraft decoration          fixtures for openings (windows, doors, gates, technological
                           and equipment, authentic           openings for manipulation)
                           constructions and used materials
                                                           -   preservation of the original construction system of hop
                                                              growing structures / constructions

                                                           -   available iconic views of the hop growing landscape around
                                                              the village of Stekník

                                                           -   available iconic views of the historical centre of Žatec
                                                              – especially from the north, west and northeast direction
                                                              from the river Ohře
                           panorama, iconic views, vistas with
           View attributes
                                                           -   panorama of the Prague Suburb with many chimneys of hop
                                                              drying kilns
                                                           -   roofs cape and its characteristic elements (adjustments
                                                              of roofs, originality of materials, the technology of laying
                                                              roofing, details)

                                                          -   archaeological relics (dry river beds of the river Ohře,
           Archaeological   archaeological layers             traces of extinct watercourses, archaeological relics of long
                                                              abandoned hop fields, buildings, and roads).

                                                          -   preservation of documents of hop technology and specific
                                                              parts of buildings in their original positions (machines,
                                                              presses, switch boards, electrical wiring, lighting, elevators)
           Specific attributes
           associated with                                -   number of objects used for hop growing or its presentation
           the property                                       (functional ware houses, museums, exhibitions, adventure
                                                          -   sustainability of the hop tradition
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