Page 39 - UNESCO_Zatec_MP_2021
P. 39

In the south-west part of the component part 01 lies the village of Trnovany, which administratively belongs to the town
          of Žatec. Its urban structure is not entirely preserved, but its till maintains the raw material characteristics of a small
          hop growing village in the region. Its core, with irregularly scattered buildings, is situated around an expanding road.
          The development consists of multi-storey brick buildings of a mostly rectangular layout, with gabled and hip roofs. The
          building stock of the village has been damaged due to long-term neglect. During the second half of the 20  century,
          some buildings were demolished or utilitarian rebuilt after the expulsion of the German population after World War II.
          During the second half of the 20  century, the village never managed to be resettled to its original extent. However, the
          original structure, scale, and material make up of the historic buildings are still legible. Several exceptionally authentic
          hop growing buildings have been preserved to this day, which, thanks to their mass, location in the landscape, design,
          and architectural design, are among the most iconic buildings of the entire Saaz hop growing area.

          This is especially the area of the Mill No. 8, which includes a generously designed hop drying kiln. It was created
          by rebuilding an older barn, which received a magnificent neo-Gothic facade with characteristic turrets, in fact, vents
          used to regulate the airflow in the oast and on the adjoining hop stores.

          The second important ensemble in Trnovany, closely related to the local history of hop growing and processing, is the
          area of farmstead No. 9, today’s appearance is the result of gradual construction modifications of the area, especially
          at the beginning of the 20  century.

          The image of the landscape is complemented by the permanent vegetation around the stream Blšanka and river Ohře
          and the former meanders of the river bed. Another set of permanent greenery naturally defines the component part 01
          at its eastern and southeastern edges. The area rises slightly in the southern direction and its borders naturally define
          the most visually valuable territory of the landscape, whose integrity is extraordinary in the conditions of the Czech
          The river Ohře
          The river Ohře and the nature of the landscape conditioned by the cultivation and processing of hops are directly linked
          because the cultivation of hops is dependent on the presence of water. That is why the quality locations of hop fields
          within the nominated property have been long-established in close proximity to the river. The water level on the river
          Ohře is currently regulated by the sizeable Nechranice Reservoir built between 1961-68 in the upstream area near the
          town of Kadaň. This has eliminated the previously more frequent floods and stabilised the river flow.

          The urban component part consists of the historic core of the town of Žatec and contains all standard types of buildings
          related to the functions of the historic town founded in the Middle Ages, as well as many unique structures representing
          the built hop-related heritage: warehouses, sulphur chimneys, hop drying kilns, and includes many other important
          buildings with excellent architecture. With its preserved urban structure, the component part clearly maintains the
          concept of the centuries-old development of the town in relation to the hop industry.
          There are burgher houses, structures associated with the processing of  hops, and buildings reflecting the socio-
          economic effect of business with hops, which are both villas of hop entrepreneurs and buildings of related infrastructure
          and buildings created by the hop boom in the 19  century such as banks and post offices.
          Burgher houses
          In the roof spaces of many houses, the hops were dried naturally due to the airflow; then, they were also stored here
          before the sale. Many houses still reflect Gothic parcelling in their proportions, and many of their constructions date
          back to the Middle Ages when the hop cultivation and trade were already an important means for the inhabitants of the
          town in ensuring their existence.

          Constructions associated with hop growing
          The town of Žatec has been the centre of the entire hop growing region since the Middle Ages, where all the following
          processes connected with further processing, conservation, certification, and trade in  hops were combined.
          The preserved urban-industrial set of  hop constructions, their functional connection with the whole procedure
          of processing, and trade had a fundamental influence on the image of the town.
          The urban structure of the Prague Suburbs reflects its gradual growth. It includes groups of industrial hop constructions,
          mainly from the 19  and 20  centuries, usually supplemented by residential buildings of individual owners of packing
          rooms and hop warehouses, which usually are located at the street line in the town. The combination of industrial and
          residential functions within the individual owners hip units gives this part of the nominated property a truly unique
          atmosphere of the business environment of the second half of the 19  century and the beginning of the 20  century.
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