Page 40 - UNESCO_Zatec_MP_2021
P. 40

To this day, most of the hop drying kilns and sulphuring buildings have been preserved, completed with tall and low
             chimneys. It is the tall chimneys for the extraction of sulphur fumes during the sulphuring (conservation) of hops,
             as well as the original storage facilities, which are often still used for their original purpose, are now an integral part
             of the colour of Žatec and complete its unique panorama.
             Villas of hop entrepreneurs
             Sufficient funds coming from the hop trade were reflected not only in the constructions directly related to hop growing
             but also in the magnificence and quality of residential buildings.
             An utterly unique characteristic of a number of buildings in the Prague Suburbs in Žatec is the close spatial connection
             between the representative villa of the owner of hop growing operations and their production and storage building. The
             hop warehouses were often built in the rears of buit up areas, and the villas of the owners of hop companies were thus
             oriented directly towards the street line. They are very representative buildings, both in terms of interior and exterior.

             Structures reflecting the socio-economic effect of wealth as a direct connection of hop growing
             Wealthy entrepreneurs not only built luxury villas but also contributed to the creation of many public representative
             buildings such as banks and theatre. Following the brisk business activities of hop growers concentrated in the town,
             hotels and restaurants were also built here. These buildings reflect the international scale of hop growing and the
             subsequent prosperity. The construction of the main railway station building was also conditioned by the hop trade
             and the effort to ensure its transport to the whole world. In the town, there is also the Jewish synagogue, monument
             to the former local Jewish community, from which a number of successful hop traders came.

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