Page 86 - UNESCO_Zatec_2021_A4
P. 86

The historic building of the Franz and Mina Hassmann single-chamber kiln, Trnovany, 2019

      2. Description


             The original technology of the Linhart patent hop drying   the borders of the built up area. The collection of baroque
             kiln from Rakovník remains installed here to this day.   and classicist statues of saints is unique. Situated initially
             A  dangling system of handling carts complements the   in various positions on the access roads, they have now
             two-chamber kiln with a boiler, heating pipes, and folding   been located in the chateau garden. There is a statue of St.
             hop drying trays at two height levels.             Florian: the patron saint of firefighters and the symbolic
                                                                protector against fires; which were a great danger in kilns,
             The centre of religious life in the locality became the   the statue of John of Nepomuk, St. John the Baptist and
             Chapel of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary within the   the statue of the Virgin Mary. In the centre of the village of
             chateau ensemble, which served the Catholic liturgy. It   Trnovany, there is an exceptionally high-quality Baroque
             was complemented by other small religious structures,   statue of St. John of Nepomuk, the Czech provincial saint
             such as the Chapel of St. John of Nepomuk above the   patron.
             mineral water spring in Stekník or the Chapel of the Virgin
             Mary of the Seven Sorrows in Trnovany. An important role   The most recent development in Stekník, represented
             in the religious life of the site was also played the statues   mainly by production, storage, and accommodation
             of holy patrons, that were placed in the grounds and on   facilities of the Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. in the
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