Page 88 - UNESCO_Zatec_2021_A4
P. 88
THE RIVER OHŘE of component part 01 illustrates how human still adapts
The river Ohře and nature of the landscape conditioned to the local characteristics of the landscape and uses the
by the cultivation and processing of hops are directly knowledge of its natural conditions and cyclical changes
linked because the cultivation of hops is dependent on during the year. At the same time, in the area, there has
the presence of water. That is why the quality locations been preserved the testimony of how human has adapted
of hop fields within the nominated property have been the river landscape throughout history with intention to
long-established in close proximity to the river. The river achieve its efficient management and farming.
Ohře is also the main artery passing through the site, and
the area of the river floodplain is a natural connecting Without human influence, a series of typical floodplain
element of the rural and urban component parts. natural areas would undoubtedly developed in the river
floodplain of the nominated property, as is common in
The detailed form of influencing the river landscape other river landscapes. The process of deforestation in
by growing and processing hops on the territory of the river landscape took place over a long period of time.
component part 01 is given by the spatial relationship Significant deforestation of the floodplain landscape
between the river Ohře and the hop fields. The study of occurred here from the Middle Ages and continued with
historical data and current hop practice shows that the the development of hop cultivation and processing. The
most profitable areas for hop growing are located in the floodplain landscape was thus gradually transformed
area of the river floodplain, on the flat bottom of the into a forest-free, agricultural landscape. In the example
river valley, which is regularly affected by floods. These of the component part 01, we see that the stable positions
locations have sufficient air and soil moisture, alluvial of the hop fields still extend to the immediate vicinity
soils with sufficient nutrients, and are also protected by of the river. However, areas cover of typical floodplain
2. Description territory of component part 01, the fertile river floodplain been reduced to narrow strips of river bank vegetation
the surrounding river terraces from the weather. On the
forests are also represented here, although they had
to date. The only fragment of the original floodplain is
stretches on both sides of the river Ohře. It widens
present in the territory of component part 01 northwest
significantly in the area between the villages of Stekník
of the village of Stekník in places where it has not been
and Trnovany, where it is delimited from the west and
southeast by protruding river terraces. The village of
Trnovany, unlike the village of Stekník, also extends into soil managed for a long time due to unsuitable soil
the area of the river floodplain.
88 The river has retained its natural meandering character
The current image of the landscape along the river Ohře in the nominated property. Its current course is partially
is not only the result of the action of natural forces but influenced by a series of less extensive regulatory
also the long-term influence of human activity. The interventions, which served primarily to protect the
preserved method of hop management in the territory hop fields and individual villages from floods. The first
Aerial view of the hop fields on the both sides of the river Ohře in the component part 01, as seen from the northeast (the village of Zalužice at the back), 2020