Page 87 - UNESCO_Zatec_2021_A4
P. 87

The confluence of the Blšanka stream and the river Ohře (wider stream in the left), Stekník, 2019

          northern perimeter of the village, in the 1970s and   vents used to regulate the airflow in the oast and on the
          1980s partially disrupted the urban structure and scale   adjoining hop stores. The second important ensemble
          of the village. The design of the buildings located in   in Trnovany, closely related to the local history of
          the southeast and northeast  of the territory is very   hop growing and processing, is the area of farmstead
          utilitarian, both in terms of architecture, material   No. 9, located in hop fields near the confluence of
          used and crafts-manship. They are however a  period   the river Ohře and Blšanka stream. By the beginning
          testimony of technological changes in the processing   of  the  19   century,  a  large  courtyard  surrounded  by
          of hops that took place during this period. At the same   an ornamental garden already stood on the site, the   87
          time, they document the still-living and well-kept hop   owner of which, Josef Schöffl, was one of the largest
          growing tradition.                                hop producers in Bohemia in the middle of the 19
                                                            century. Today’s  appearance is the result of gradual
          In the south-west part of the component part 01 lies   construction modifications of the area, especially at
          the village of Trnovany, which administratively belongs   the beginning of the 20  century. A visually significant,
          to the town of Žatec. Its urban structure is not entirely   and for the technical heritage of the component part 01
          preserved, but it still maintains the raw material   utterly characteristic part of the building, is the south
          characteristics of a  small hop growing village in the   wing of the farmstead, the facade of which is formed
          region. Its core, with irregularly scattered buildings, is   by a set of four tower-shaped extensions, in which the
          situated around an expanding road. The development   Linhart  patent  hop  drying  kiln  are  still  located.  The
          consists of multi-story brick buildings of a  mostly   building, with hop drying kilns, is complemented by an
          rectangular floor plan, with gabled and hip roofs. The   architecturally high-quality residential villa, built in the
          building stock of the village has been damaged due to   1930s. The structures of the train station from the 1970s,
          long-term neglect. During the second half of the 20    which is a valuable part of the history of harvesting, hop
          century, some buildings were demolished or utilitarian   processing,  and  successful  trading, still show a  high
          rebuilt after the expulsion of the German population   degree of authenticity in the exterior expression.
          after World War II. During the second half of the 20
          century, the village never managed to be resettled to its   A  detailed description of hop-related objects in
          original extent. However, the original structure, scale,   component part 01 is given in Chapter 7.c.
          and material make up of the historic buildings are still
          legible. Several exceptionally authentic hop growing   The image of the landscape is complemented by the
          buildings have been preserved to this day, which,   permanent vegetation around the stream Blšanka and
          thanks to their mass, location in the landscape, design,   rive Ohře and the former meanders of the river bed.
          and architectural design, are among the most iconic   Another set of permanent greenery naturally defines
          buildings of the entire Saaz hop growing area. This   the component part 01 at its eastern and southeastern
          is especially the area of the Mill No. 8, which includes   edges. The area rises slightly in the southern direction
          a generously designed hop drying kiln. It was created by   and its borders naturally define the most visually
          rebuilding an older barn, which received a magnificent   valuable territory of the landscape, whose integrity is
          neo-Gothic facade with characteristic turrets, in fact,   extraordinary in the conditions of the Czech Republic.
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