Page 102 - UNESCO_Zatec_2021_A4
P. 102
"Oradlo" – a type of a scratch plough – the "žatecký percák, parzhaken", used to cultivate hops in the 2 half. of 18 century, J. Mehler, 1798
2. Description that Bohemia has the best hops and the best of them are of hop growing and trade is proof that the village was
restored in a short time in a magnificent Baroque form,
born in the Saaz Hop Region." (Heumann, 1759).
which due to its quality and state of preservation, was the
During the 18 century, hop cultivation in the area reason that the village is now protected as a conservation
102 stabilised, and technologies in cultivation and plant care area (for more information, see Chapter 5.b, 5.c).
began to develop. As early as the 2 half of the 18 century,
a very specific tool was invented in the Žatec region for Even the 18 century was not quiet from war; during the
cultivation and loosening of soil in the hop fields, the fights for the Austrian heritage (period 1740–1748), the
"žatecký percák, perzhaken," a type of a scratch plough. town was occupied by the French and during the Seven
The plough helped to produce more effective cultivation Years’ War (1756–1763) by the Prussians. In the second
of the hop fields and to increase the production of hops. half of the 18 century, the town was also damaged by
The invention of the "perzhaken" was related to the several large fires. In 1767, the town hall, along with
development of row crops, in particular root vegetables, the old documents that were deposited there, was also
such as potatoes and beets, and hops, and to the changes burnt down. The project for its renovation, in the Late
at a time of transition from shifting cultivation to the crop Baroque style, was prepared by Johann Paul Loschy,
rotation system. It was used until World War II. who also took part in Baroque adjustments of many
houses in the square. The town hall then underwent
The quality of Saaz hops was protected by legislation two more large remodellings, the last of which was
prohibiting the export of offshoots and hops. Hops performed in the mid-19 century.
intended for export had to be officially sealed. The oldest
known certificate guaranteeing the origin of hops was One of the most valuable cartographic sources for the
issued in Žatec in 1774. These certificates were later Czech lands is the so-called I. military mapping. For
numbered regularly for evidence and inspection and the nomination project Žatec and the Landscape of
also to prevent their falsification. In 1796, a unique book Saaz Hops, this mapping is of fundamental importance,
was established by the Žatec municipal council, where confirming the specifics of the area with many hop
every issued certificate of hops sales was recorded. The fields and the logic in the selection for optimal
names of the seller and the buyer, the amount and price illustration as a component part 01 of the nominated
of hops sold, as well as the number of sacks and place property. Within all currently active hop growing areas
of destination to where the hops were to be taken, were of the Czech lands, hop fields are drawn on the First
stated. Military Mapping only in the floodplain of the river Ohře
and on the adjacent slopes between Lišany, Žatec, and
The development of the village of Stekník is documented Libočany. The most concentrated belt of hop fields
by a record from 1784 of a fire that hit the village, which was located in the right-bank floodplain of the river
burned 15 houses and 5 barns. The economic success Ohře from Stekník through Trnovany and Bezděkov